
| 小龙



  A new firm arranged to employ a secretary. The manager decided to hold a psychological test for choosing a good one.

  Three girls had applied for the post. They should be examined by a psychologist.

  The psychologist said to the first girl, "Now listen carefully. What do three and three make?" the girl quickly replied "Six", then the examiner told her to wait in the next room.

  The second girl was asked the same question. She hesitated for a while, suspecting something was planned, then she said jokingly: "Well, it might be thirty-three." Then she was also told to wait in the next room.

  The third girl was still asked the same question. She took her time and answered: "Might be thirty-three or six." The psychologist was well pleased and said to the manager: "The first girl gave the obvious answer. The second one suspected me of tricking her. The third one had it going both way. Now, which one would you have?"







  A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy(粗笨的), oversized travel bag onto the plane. Helped by the flight attendant, he finally managed to stuff it in the overheadbin. "Do you always carry such heavy luggage?" she sighed.

  "No more," the man said. "Next time, I'm hiding in the bag, and my parter can buy the ticket!"

  一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。 在一位机务乘员的帮助下, 他终于设法将旅行袋进了头顶上的行李箱。“您总是携带这么重的行李?”她叹息道。



  A sick man was about to die. The doctor decided to tell him the truth.

  He looked down at the sick man and said: "I think you would like to know the facts, so I should tell you that you are very sick now. Do you want somebody to come to see you?"

  "Yes," the sick man answered in a very feeble voice. "Who is it?" asked the doctor. The patient replied in a slightly stronger tone, "Another doctor".




