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When is the Teacher's Day?


It's Sep.10th.



When is Teachers' Day ?

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! *^__^*)



问题1:问下教师节的英文怎么说...我在语法书上见过两个版本teachers' day和teacher's day不知道到底哪个是正确的...[英语科目]

这两种说法都是正确的.第一个teachers' day,那个’在s的后面是因为,这里的老师是复数,复数的名词所有格就是在单词后面加一个’.

第二个teacher's day,是单数的,单数名词所有格就是加’s .所以呢,这两种说法都是正确的.在生活中那一个都可用.

问题2:教师节英语怎么说是Teachers' Day还是Teacher's Day撇号放在哪?怎么好像两个都可以?我查金山词霸两个都行我们订的初中双语报上是第二个老师说是第一个楼下的几个也都答案不一[语文科目]

Teachers' Day

像International Children's Day 不说child说明 儿童是个整体

’S 因为它不是S 结尾

teacher一个道理 但是是S结尾 所以是S’

非官方 自己理解的 哈哈

e 果然 光自己理解是不行的

2个都可以 !有道查一下就知道了


两个都可以 英语这种事情 是用来交流的

老师也是学来的 他坚持的不一定完全是正确的



语言不就这么回事么 放宽心同学 !

把你找到的资料给老师 告诉他 你认为两个都可以就可以了!

问题3:英语翻译有翻译成Teachers' Day的,有翻译成Teacher's Day的.到底哪个正确呢?请认真回答,最好是有权威依据,因为这个题很容易考.错了会死翘翘的..可是大家说得都对...我只有按时间顺序了...采纳big[政治科目]

Teachers' Day


When is the Teacher Day?


Our Chinese history has been the establishment of Teacher's Day.In 1931,educators Tai Shuang-qiu and Cheng Bao called on an establishment of teachers' day to improve teachers' treatment,protection and promotion of teachers training.They gave out Teachers' Declaration and asked for the official agreement of teachers' Day and they celebrated by themselves for teachers in the Central University in Nanjing.Soon,the KMT government first agreed on June 6 for the teachers,then teachers' day changed to August 27 birthday of Confucius).

After 1949,the Central People's government resumed June 6 for teachers,the Ministry of Education gave a circular that local education workers,according to the actual situation to organize their celebration activities.

In 1951 National Education trade unions,educators are recognized as part of the working class.On April 19,1951,Minister of Education and the Chinese Education Union Chairman of the National Committee issued a written statement that May 1 International Labor Day was at the same time celebrated as teachers' day.But this day lacks teachers' profession and the results were not ideal.Especially after 1957,under the influence of the "extreme left",teachers were ignored,so teachers' day has actually ceased to exist.

In recent years,the Chinese government has taken many measures to mobilize the whole society to respect teachers,improve the status of teachers and improve teachers work and living conditions.To further enhance the political status of teachers and social status and formation of respecting teachers,respect for knowledge and talent,to promote the development of education,according to NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members and the community,especially many teachers throughout the country,a proposal was put forward to the State Council on January 11,1985,to the National People's Congress Standing Committee on determining the annual September 10th for teachers' day.On January 21 of the same year,the 16th National People's Congress agreed on the proposal,decided on September 10 for teachers' day.

September 10 was established for the teachers because freshmen at the beginning,began honoring teachers and it is easy to create an atmospgere of teaching and learning.Meanwhile,September has no other national celebrations and it is easy to focus on activities and to promote formation of respecting teachers,respecting knowledge and talents as good social habits in the country.

A Teacher's Day,honours teachers in China.Teachers' work to a large extent determine the future of our country.Teachers work with every family and every child.In human and social development and progress,teachers play a huge role.Teachers are engineers of human civilization.The continuity of the development of human civilization depends on generation after generation of good education.If not the teachers' hard and effective work,then the society,the state and the nation will suffer losses in civilization process.Therefore,the progress of a civilization is unthinkable without teachers.







