
| 梦荧






I                 II

( )1.Did he learn English?   A.Yes,it is.

( ) 2.Who is this?   B.I learnt English.

( ) 3.Isthisyourgrandpa?   C.No,he did not.

( ) 4.What did you do yesterday?   D.It is my grandma.

( ) 5.Where did you go last Sunday?   E.I went to the zoo.


1. 当你想问别人的感觉时怎么说?

A:how do you feel?

B: how are you feel?

2. 当你想知道别人最喜欢的颜色时怎么说?  

A:whats your favourite  colour?

B: what s the colour ?

3. 当你去看病时,医生通常回问你?

A: what are you

B what s the matter ?


A:This is my birthday!

B:Today is my birthday!


A: They are my family.

B: This is my family! 



E___  ____ H  I____  K____ M______


______Two_____  four_____ six_____ eight ______ ten


1、here you are.      2、whats your name?

A:( )Thank you.     A:(  ) Im nine.

B:( )Yes,Jim.      B: (  ) Im Wang Dawei.

3、turn on the light     4、how old are you?

A:( )Thank you.    A:(  ) Im ten.

B:( )Yes,Miss Han   B: (  ) Ok,miss Han.

5、whats this?       6、Good morning.im mr Liu.

A:( )Its a monkey.   A: (  )Goodbye, Mr liu.



()1、A、red   B、leg   C、black   D、blue

()2、A、head   B、eye   C、foot   D、cake

()3、A、pen   B、book   C、pencil   D、kite

()4、A、brother   B、teacher   C、sister   D、mother

()5、A、ten   B、three   C、school   D、eight


( ) 1.yellow   A、铅笔

( ) 2.bag   B、眼睛

( ) 3.mouth   C、教室

( ) 4.school   D、黄色的

( ) 5.birthday   E、书包

( )6.policeman   F、家庭

( )7.pencil   G警察

( )8.eye   H、学校

( )9.family   I、嘴

( )10.classroom   J、生日



Y  b  F

i  t   n

H  o  l

j  d  e

二、 选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。

(  ) 1、A、banana B、pear C 、 short

(  ) 2、A、pencil  B 、car  C 、 ruler

(  ) 3、A、pencil  B、book  C、school

(  ) 4、A、dog  B、pig  C、play

(  ) 5、A、 red  B、one  C、green

(  ) 6、A、girl  B、teacher  C 、 bus

(  ) 7、 A、 class  B、 school  C、 pen

(  ) 8、 A、 Chinese  B、 English  C 、class

(  ) 9、A、 mother  B、 father  C、 teacher

(  ) 10、 A 、twelve  B 、five C、box


一、 把下列单词翻译成英语。

1.电影 院 2.可能 3.车站 4.动物园

5.学校 6.公园 7.老虎 8.(打)电话

9.圆的 10.宽的 11.熊猫 12.超市

13.狮子 14.参观 15.河流 16.很多

17.安静的 18.加上 19.更多的 20.有一点

二、 选词填空。

( ) 1.What _____ you do this weekend? 

A. are B. do C. will

( ) 2. Maybe we‘ll _______ to the zoo. 

A. going B. go C. go to

( ) 3. What will you see? _______

A. No, I don’t know. B. No, I don‘t. C. I don’t know.

( ) 4. I‘ll ____ my grandpa. 

A. visits B. visiting C. visit

( ) 5. I _______ visit London. 

A. will B. to C. am

( ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge. 

A. will B. want C. are

( ) 7.Will you phone me? No, I ____. 

A. am not B. don’t C. won‘t

( ) 8. There _____ a phone. 

A. isn’t B. are C. be

( ) 9.Tomorrow I _____ go to school. 

A. don‘t B. won’t C. am

( ) 10. You are ______ the park. 

A. go to B. will go to C. going to



(  )1. A. school B.pen C. pencil D.ruler

(  )2. A. bedroom B. living room C. playground D. bathroom

(  )3. A. skate B. see C.jump D.swim

(  )4. A. Good morning B. Good bye C. Good afternoon D.Good evening

(  )5. A. Chinese B. Science C. PE D.subject


1. 两门学科    2. Welcome back to school

3. 今天下午    4. Nice to see you too

5.体育课时间    6. go to the playground

7.上一节美术课  8. our new timetable

9.多少节数学课  10.like Music and Science


(  ) 1. How many _______do you have this term(学期)? We have five.

A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D. an subject

(  ) 2. It’s time _______ English. Let’s go to the classroom(教室)。

A. at B. for C. in D. on

(  ) 3. What lessons do you have this morning? We _______ Chinese, Maths and Music.

A. do B. have C. are D. is

(  ) 4. A: Do you have _____ PE lessons this week(星期)? B: Yes, I do.

A. any B. some C. a D. an

(  ) 5.The Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair.

A. on; in B. in; on C. at; on D. in; in

(  ) 6. __________ a timetable for you.

A. Here B. Here’s C.Here are D.It is

(  ) 7.Art and Science ________ fun.

A.is B. am C. are D. not

(  ) 8.A: How much is the Art book? B: _____________

A It’s five. B They’re four yuan. C. It’s four yuan. D. They are four

(  ) 9.—What ________ do you like? —I like English.It is fun.

A. subject B. subjects C. a subject D. an subject

(  ) 10. —Here are _______ English book and _______ Art book for you. — Thank you.

A.an; a B.a; an C. a; a D.an, an



1.watch__________ 2.sheep__________ 3.duck__________

4.bus__________ 5.box__________


1.(   )学校 sch _ _ l   A. oa  B. oo   C.aa

2.(  )跳舞 d _ _ ce   A. an  B. en   C.on

3.(  )家庭 f__ily   A . im   B. am   C. em

4.(  )商店 sh _ p   A. a  B. u  C.o

5.(  ) 非常 v _ ry   A. e   B. o   C.a


1.are not(缩写)___________


3.under (反义词)___________

4.very much (汉意) ___________



( ).I am in - .

A.class one  B.Class one  C.Class One

(  )2.I am ______England

A.in B.from  C.at

(  )3.I’m good ______English .

A.in    B.from   C. at

(  )4.Tom is ______Grade Four .

A.in    B.from   C. at

(  )5.______ beautiful her dress is !

A.What    B.How   C. Where

(  )6.She ______a happy family .

A.have    B.has   C. is

(  )7.Where ______my hot dogs .

A.am    B.is   C. are

(  )8.I am a doctor . I work in a ______ .

A.hospital    B.school    C. shop

( )9.What are ______? They are pandas.

A.those   B.this   C. that

( )10.______can you see? I can see a bird.

A.Where   B.What  C. How many

( )11.______can you see? I can see four.

A.Where   B.What  C. How many

( )12.I can see ______egg .

A.a    B.an    C. some

( )13.Please come and buy ______ .

A.they    B.their    C. them

( )14.Those are ______sheep .

A.a    B.an    C. some

( )15. Are ______ on the desk?

A.He    B.She    C. They


1.We can see some ___________ (sheep)

2.Tom ___________three books.(have)

3.___________are my ruler.s.(that)

4.She is good at ____________(dance)

5.Please come and buy ____________ (they)



1.Have some grapes.     A.Thank you.

2.Can I have some strawberries?     B. Yes,I do.

3.Do you like watermelons?     C.Me,neither.

4.I don’t like apples     D.Sure. Here you are.

5.Here you are.     E.Sorry,I don’t like grapes.


Hi,my name is Sarah. I’m six years old.Look!This is my family.The man is my father. He likes pears.The woman is my mother.She likes watermelons.The boy is my brother.His name is John.He likes oranges,milk and watermelons.The girl is me.I like apples,grapes and bananas.

1、Father likes

A、pears B、bananas C、orange

2、Mother likes

A、stawberries B、watermelons C、orange

3、Sarah is years old.

A、five B、six C、ten 



1. Have some______.

A . strawberry B.strawberries

2.Sorry. I_____ like watermelons.

A.doesn’t B.don’t

3.I like grapes._______________? -I like bananas.

A.How about you B.Do you like them


How are you?     See you.

Good morning.     Fine, thank you.

Goodbye!     Thank you!

Here you are.     Good morning.

Let's play hide and seek.     Great!


1、( )A、tall B、long C、pear

2、( )A、he B、she C、fruit

3、( )A、apple B、orange C、map

4、( )A、banana B、short C、strawberry

5、( )A、watermelon B、boat C、ball

6、( )A、father B、car C、mum



1.hair     a.回头见。

2.morning     b.下午好。

3.knee     c.头发

4.head     d.早上

5.See you.     e.膝盖

6.Good afternoon.     f.头

7.body     g.身体

8.Great!     h.给你。

9.Here you are.     i.脚趾

10.toes     j.好极了!


( )1.How are you?

A.你好吗? B.再见

( )2.Good morning.

A.晚上好。 B.早上好。

( )3.下午好。

A.Fine,thank you. B.Good afternoon.

( )4.Touch your arm.

A.摸一下你的头。 B.摸一下你的手臂。

( )5.把东西给对方,应该说:

A.Here. B.Here you are.


( )Very well, thanks.

( )Fine, thank you. How are you?

( )Good morning, Miss Lin.

( )Morning!

( )How are you?



1、Honey,let’s buy some fruit. A我也不喜欢。

2、Do you like oranges? B对不起,我不喜欢葡萄

3、Yes ,I do. C宝贝,我们买点水果吧

4、sorry,I don’t like grapes. D你喜欢橙子吗

5、Me,neither. E能给我吃一些草莓吗?

6、Can I have some strawberries? F是的,我喜欢


( )1.A.bread B.apple C.pear

( )2.A.yes B.no C sorry

( )3. A.hot dog B chicken C.neither

( )4.A.strawberry B.friut C.orange

( )5.A.like B.have C .grapes


( )1.Do you like strawberries?

A.你喜欢草莓吗? B.你想吃点草莓吗?

( )2.-I don’t like pears.-Me,neither.


( )3.I want some bananas,oranges and grapes.


( )4.Sorry,I don’t like grapes.


( )5.An apple aday keeps the doctor away.




( )1.Do you like watermelons?

A.No, I can’t. B. No, I don’t.

( )2.Can I have some oranges?

A.Here you are.B.Sorry,I don’t like oranges.

( )3.Have some fruit, boys and girls.

A.Thank you,Miss White.B.Sure. Here you are

( )4.Do you like strawberries?

A.No, but I should.B. Very well,thanks.

( )5.Doggy bag ,please!

A.Look!This is the doggy bag. B.No way!

二、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写 “F”.

Hello! I am Wang Hong.I like peaches(桃子)very much.I don’t like grapes.My father likes watermelons.He doesn’t like strawberries.My mother likes bananas. She doesn’t like pears.

( )1.Wang Hong likes apples.

( )2.Wang Hong doesn’t like grapes.

( )3.Wang Hong’s father likes watermelons.

( )4.WangHong’s mother likes bananas

( )5.Wang Hong’s mother doesn’t like oranges



Ⅰ               Ⅱ

( )1.Where’s Mike?     A. How beautiful!

( )2.Is your pen in the book?     B. Thank you.

( )3.Where’s the cat? Guess!     C. He’s in the library.

( )4.Look at the parrot.     D.It’s in the tree.

( )5.Here you are.     E. No, it isn’t.

( )6.Don’t eat my pie.     F. Yes ,Miss Li.


1. pen , your , Is, that, (?)

2. is, Where, English, my, book, (?)

3. listen, the , to, Don’t, parrot, (.)

4. is , It, here, not, (.)

5. tree, Is, it, in, the, now, (?)


( )1. 你想知道自己的短裙在哪里,你可以问:

A. Is this my skirt? B. Where is your skirt? C. Where is my skirt?

( )2. 你想告诉同学这不是你的小汽车,你可以说:

A. This is a car. B. Is that my car? C. This isn’t my car.

( )3. 同学给你看他新买的夹克衫,你可以说:

A. Here you are. B. It’s red. C. Wow, how beautiful!

( )4. 你想提醒朋友不要在公交车上跑,你可以说:

A. Don’t eat,my puppy. B. Don’t sleep, my dear .

C. Don’t run, my friend.

( )5. 风筝飞到了树上,你可以说:

A. It’s on the tree. B. It’s in the tree. C. He’s in the tree. 


一、判断下列字母的大小写形式是否一致。(是一致的画“√”,不一致的画“×” )。

Db( ) Ee( ) Ij( ) Bd( ) Ff( ) Ll( )



( ) 1. tall A short B fat

( ) 2. small A pig B big

( ) 3. short A old B long

( ) 4. fat A thin B this

( ) 5. black A red B white


(A)           (B)

( ) 1. Is she your sister ? A Hello, John .

( ) 2. Who’s that boy ? B Thank you .

( ) 3. How old are you ? C No, she is my friend .

( ) 4. Hello, Amy . D He’s my brother .

( ) 5. Have some bread . E I’m 10 years old .



1. This is my teacher,Miss White .


2. Is she your sister ?


3. It has small eyes and big ears .


4. He’s my friend .


5. Who’s that woman ?



( ) A.He’s my father .

( ) B.Nice to meet you .

( ) C.Hi, Dad.This is my friend, Amy.

( ) D.Who’s that man ?

( ) E.Nice to meet you , too .

三 、阅读短文,判断对错。(对的在括号里写T,错的写F。)

Look at this photo (照片). This woman is my mother . She is 36 . This man is my father. He is 37.This girl is my sister. She is 11 .The little boy is me. I am 6. I love them . And they love me very much .

( ) 1. This woman is mother .

( ) 2. I am six .

( ) 3. My mother is 37.

( ) 4. My father is 36.

( ) 5. There are four people in my family.




song___ 在家___ 早操____ favourite __ monkey ___

go(单三) ___ tiger___ lion___ 乒乓球_____ elephant ____

look at____ does not(缩写)_____上班_____ 购物____

they are(缩写)________骑自行车_____看电视 ____ do(单三) _____

三、 对应词连线

short   big   fat   boy   my

small   tall   thin   your   girl



( )1. A. blackboard B. chair C. black

( )2. A. eat B. cake C. drink

( )3. A. he B. she C. my

( )4. A. where B. this C. that

( )5. A. on B. is C. in

( )6. A. schoolbag B. robot C. rubber

( )7. A. black B. white C. crayon

( )8. A. stand B. sit C. down


( )1. ________ the blackboard, please. OK

A. Look B. Look at C. Open

( )2._________ shout in the library. I’m sorry.

A. Please B. Isn’t C. Don’t

( )3.Is this a parrot ?---

A. Yes, it isn’t . B. No, it isn’t . C. Yes , please .

( ) 4.I like to _______ juice(果汁).

A. eat B. drink C. sleep

( )5.What’s ______ over there? It’s a car.

A. this B that C. Is

( )6. __________ is your jacket? It’s brown.

A. Where B. What C. What colour

( )7. Don’t drink _______here.

A. 不填 B. in C. at

( )8. Is that _______ book? Yes, it’s your book.

A. you B your C. my

( )9. ________ my puppy? It’s in the box.

A. What’s B. Where C. Where’s

( ) 10. It’s too cold(冷). _______ the window, please.

A. Open B. Close C. Don’t

