
| 梦荧





My father has a farm.There are many animals and fruit.He has seven cows,two horses,ten pigs and one hundred ducks.And there are many hens at the farm.Look,there are some fruit trees.Every year,my brother and I can eat many fruit.I like peaches best.My brother likes oranges best.

(   )1.My friend has a farm.

(   )2.There are many animals and fruit at the farm.

(   )3.My father has seven cows.

(   )4.I have a sister.

(   )5.I like bananas best.


以“My Dog”为题写一篇短文。






1、This boy is Tom.________a good boy.

A.He B.She C.He’s D.She‘s

2、______________free now?Yes,she is.

A.Are you B.Is he C.Is she

3、--________.--It’s a pear.

A.Who is this? B.Who sepear is this

C.What‘s this? D.What are these?

4、_______boy sand girls in your class?

A.How much B.How many C.How old

5、Jack is________student.He’s_________English boy.

A.an,an B.a,a C.a,an

6、_______we go to the theatre by plane?

A.What B.How C.Shall

7、______shirt is that? It‘s my sister’s.

A.What B Who C.Whose

8、Is the train________Beijng?

A.to B.in C.for

9、_______her mother‘s name? WangTao.

A.Who’s B.What‘s C.What

10、______a new teacher?Yes,Iam.

A.Are your B.Are you C.Is he


My Family Is Very Poor


Mr White is very rich. One day, the Whites’ move to a new town. Beth, his daughter, is also going to a new school in the town. On the first day, Mr White says to Beth, “Beth, don’t say we are rich. You must be modest. You must be kind to others.” Beth says, “I see, Dad.”

怀特先生非常有钱。一天,怀特先生一家搬到了一个城镇。他的女儿贝思也将要到城里的新学校读 书。上学第一天,怀特先生对贝思说:“贝思,不要说们很富有,你必须谦虚,你必须对别人友好。 ”贝思说:“我明白了。爸爸。”

Then Beth goes to school. Her teacher introduces her to other classmates, “This is Beth. She’s our new classmate.” The classmates clap their hands, “Welcome to our class!” Beth say happily, “Thank you. I have just moved to town with my parents. My family is very poor. My father is very poor. My mother is very poor. The gardener is very poor. The cook is poor and all the other servants are poor, too.”

于是贝思上学去了。她的老师将她介绍给其他的同学;“这是贝思,她是我们的新同学。 ”别的同学鼓掌欢迎:“欢迎你到我们班上来!”贝思愉快地说:“谢谢你们。我刚 和父母搬到这个城镇。我家很穷,我的爸爸很穷,我的妈妈很穷,园丁很穷,厨师很穷,其他所有的佣人也 很穷。”


the Whites’ 怀特全家

modest adj. 谦虚的

be kind to… 对…友好

clap one’s hands 鼓掌

gardener n. 园丁

servant n. 佣人


1. Is Beth’s family rich?


2. Is Beth’s father very poor?


3. Why does Beth say these words in school?



1. Yes, it is.

2. No, he isn’t.

3. Because her father tells her to do so.


A Brown Coat


Mr Smith has a nice, brown coat. He loves it a lot. But his wife doesn’t like it because it’s old. She often says, “Give it to poor man.” But Mr Smith says, “No, I like this coat.”

史密斯先生有一件漂亮的棕色外套,他非常喜欢它。但是他的妻子不喜欢,因为它是旧的。她经常 说,“把它送给穷人吧。”但是史密斯先生说:“不,我喜欢这件衣服。”

But one day, a cigarette falls on it and makes a hole in it. So Mrs Smith says, “Please don’t wear it again.” Mr Smith takes it to a tailor’s shop and says to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor does what he is told him and makes a new coat. Then the tailor makes a hole in it again with his cigarette in the same place.

但是一天,一只香烟把这件衣服烧了一个洞。于是史密斯太太说:“请不要再穿它了。 ”史密斯先生把它拿到了一个裁缝店对裁缝说:“请给我做一件与这件一模一样的外套。 ”裁缝按照他说的做了一件新外套。然后裁缝又用香烟在同一个地方烧了一个洞。


brown adj. 棕色的

make a hole 烧了一个洞

cigarette n. 香烟

tailor n. 裁缝

in the same place 在同一个地方


1. What colour is Mr Smith’s coat?(  )

A: Yellow.

B: Brown.

C: Old.

D: Black.

2. Who doesn’t like the coat at all?(  )

A: Mrs Smith

B: The poor man

C: Mr Smith

D: The tailor

3. Does Mr Smith give his coat to the poor man when there’s a hole in it?(  )

A: Certainly.

B: Yes, he dos.

C: No, he doesn’t.

D: We don’t know.

4. How many holes are there in the new coat?(  )

A: One.

B: Two.

C: No hole.

D: Three.

5. Which of the answers is right?(  )

A: The two holes are in the same place.

B: The tailor can’t make a new coat.

C: The poor man gets the old coat.

D: Mr and Mrs Smith don’t like the coat at all.


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. A


Quarrel for a comb


There are two monks. They are not brothers but they live in the same house. Every morning they go out to look for some food.


One day, they go out very early. They are on a road to a village. It is too early and there are no people on the road. They are walking. Suddenly, they stop. There is a comb on the road near them. They are running up to it at the same time.

一天,他们很早就出去了。他们走在乡村的一条小路上。太早了路上一个人都没有。他们正走着, 突然,停了下来。路上有一把梳子,就在他们旁边。他们同时跑了过去。

“I found it first. It is mine.” One of them says.


“No, I found it before you, so it isn’t yours, it’s mine.” The other says.


They sit on the road. They are quarrelling for the comb. Morning comes and then comes the afternoon. But they are still quarrelling.


A little boy comes up to them and says, “You are monks. Monks have no hair. What is the use of the comb for you?”

一个小男孩朝他们走来并说道:“你们是和尚。和尚没有头发,梳子对于你们有什么用吗? ”


quarrel vi. 争吵

comb n. 梳子

monk n. 和尚

suddenly adv. 突然地


1. The two monks go out to ________ every morning.

A: play

B: carry water

C: look for food

D: buy things

2. When they go out one day, they see a ________ on the road.

A: purse

B: bag

C: comb

D: monk

3. They quarrel from morning to _____.

A: evening

B: afternoon

C: night

D: now

4. Is the comb useful for the monks?

A: Yes, it is.

B: No, it isn’t.

C: Yes, he is.

D: No, they aren’t.


1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B


A History Question


The history teacher is having a lesson, but Tom is thinking about other things. The teacher asks, “Tom, do you know who is the first president of the United States?” Tom stands up, but he can’t answer this question.

历史老师正在上课,但是汤姆在想别的事情。老师问道:“汤姆,你知道谁是美国第一任总 统吗?”汤姆站了起来,但是他回答不出这个问题。

So the teacher gets angry and shouts, “George Washington!” Tom sits down. “Stand up!” the teacher says angrily, “I don’t let you sit down.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” says Tom, “I thought you called another student.”

于是老师变得很生气,大声说道:“乔治·华盛顿!”汤姆坐下来。“站起来! ”老师生气地说,“我没有让你坐下。”“哦,对不起,”汤姆说,“我以为你在叫另外一个学生。”


history n. 历史

have a lesson 上课

president n. 总统

shout v. 大喊

angrily adv. 生气地


1. Tom is thinking about other things when the teacher is having a lesson. (   )

2. George Washington is one of Tom’s classmates. (   )

3. The teacher told Tom the answer. (   )


1. T 2. F 3. T


How Can I Pay You


One day, a poor man is taking a bag of rice to a town. The rice is on the back of his horse but it falls down. The rice is too heavy to lift and he doesn’t know what to do. He only hopes someone can give him some help.

一天,一个穷人正带着一袋米去镇上。大米放在马背上但它掉了下来。大米太重了抬不动,穷人不 知怎么办才好。他只想有人会给他些帮助。

After a while, a man riding a horse comes. But he is a rich man living nearby. The poor man hopes another farmer will come. But the rich man sees him and says to him, “You need my help, right?” And he helps the poor man lift the rice onto the horse’s back.

过了一会儿,一个人骑着马走过来。但是他是住在附近的一个富人。穷人希望另一个农民过来。但 是富人看到了他并对他说,“你需要帮助,对吗?”他帮穷人把米抬到马背上。

“Sir, how can I repay you?” the poor man says.


“It’s easy, when you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him.”



on the back of 在……的背上

fall down 掉下

lift v. 抬,举

after a while 过了一会儿

nearby adv. 附近

in trouble 遇到麻烦


1. The poor man puts the rice on the ______ of the horse.

2. When the rice falls down, the poor man hopes ________ can give him some ______.

3. The rich man helps the poor man _____ the rice onto the horse’s back.


1. back 2. someone 3. help 4. lift


Lion:Good afternoon,Mrs Rabbit.Let me eat you.

Rabbit:Don’t eat me,Mr Lion.I’m old.That mouse is younger than me.

Lion:Miss Mouse,Miss Mouse,let me eat you.

Mouse:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there.

Lion:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner.

Birds:You are bad.We can fly,can you?

Lion:No,I can’t.But where is my dinner?


( )1.The lion is ______.

A.full   B.hungry   C.scared(受惊吓的)   D.happy

( )2.The lion doesn’t eat the rabbit,because there is a ______ over there.

A.deer   B.bird   C.goat   D.mouse

( )3.Can the birds fly ?______

A.No,they can.   B.Yes,they can.   C.No, they can’t.   D.Yes,they can’t.

( )4.The lion can't fly. He ______ at last.

A.eat dinner   B.eat the rabbit   C.doesn’t have dinner   D.eat the mouse

( )5.The lion doesn’t eat the mouse,because there are ______ over there.

A.birds   B.rabbits   C.goats   D.deers


See a Doctor

Mother: Good morning,Doctor!

Doctor: Good morning, Mrs Brown. What’s wrong with your son,John?

Mother: He looks ill.

Doctor: Hello,John.How do you feel now?

John: I don’t feel well, Doctor.

Doctor: Open your mouth,John.Show me your tongue.Say“Ah”.

John: Ah…

Doctor: John has a bad cold, Mrs Brown.

Mother: Can he go to school?

Doctor: No. He must be in bed and take some medicine.

Mother: Thank you ,Doctor.


( )1.The doctor comes to see John _____.

A.in the morning   B.in the afternoon   C.at night

( )2.John is _____ .  

A.a doctor   B.the doctor’s son   C.Mrs Brown’s son

( )3.What’s wrong with John? He is _____ .

A.feeling ill   B.ill   C.very good

( )4.Can John go to school? _____ .

A.Yes,he can.   B.No,he can’t.   C.I don’t know.

( )5.The doctor asks John open his mouth to see his _____ .

A.stomach   B.tongue   C.teeth


It’s the first day of school.Lily wants to go back to school.She wants to see her friends,She wants to meet her new teachers.

Lily gets up early in the morning.She washes the face and eats the breakfast.Then she rides her bike to school.She seesher friends on the playground.She plays hide-and-seek(捉迷藏) with them.In the classroom,Lily meets her new maths teacher.Her name is Mrs Green.Lily likes Mrs Green.She can speak English very well.Lily thinks she is a nice teacher.


( )1.It’s the first day of the new year.

( )2.Lily wants to meet her friends.

( )3.Lily goes to school by bus.

( )4.Lily’s new teacher is a nice woman.  

( )5.Mrs Green is Lily’s English teacher.


It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The family are all at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird. Polly says,“Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate,Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.


( )1.There are _____ members(成员) in the family.

A.three  B.four   C.five   D.six

( )2.Who is watching TV in a chair?

A.Jim   B.Jim’s mother   C.Jim’s father   D.Jim’s sister

( )3.Jim and Kate are _____ .

A.good friends   B.two girls   C.two boys   D.brother and sister

( )4.The children _____ doing their homework.

A.aren’t   B.isn’t   C.don’t   D.not

( )5.What’s Kate doing?

A.She’s doing her homework.   B.She’s standing near the window.

C.She’s looking for a pen.   D.She’s playing games.



( )1、A.eat   B.garden   C.farm

( )2、A.potato   B.tomato   C.apple

( )3、A.horst   B.many   C.sheep

( )4、A.those  B.what   C.these

( )5、A.cow   B.goat   C.try

( )6、A.cold   B.boy   C.hot

( )7、A.pants   B.dress   C.girl

( )8、A.cheap   B.expensive   C.horse

( )9、A.yours   B.clothes   C.mine

( )10、A.sunny   B.windy   C.art room 


( )1、There ______ a horse in this photo.

A、am B、is C、are

( )2、---________, Where is the park?

---It’s beside the cinema.

A、Excuse me. B、Sorry C、Hello.

( )3、______ are they doing? They are watching TV.

A、How B、What C、Where

( )4、Look, the children are ____________ in the river.

A、swims B.swim C、swimming

( )5、---Thank you so much.


A、Sorry. B、OK. C、You’re welcome.

( )6. Amy, can you ______fast?

A. running B. runs C. run

( )7. We’re going _____ plane.

A. by B. on C. in

( )8.She is going to______ her teacher.

A .visits B. visiting C. visit

( )9、--- Can Sam jump high?

---- Yes, _________.

A、I can B、he can C、she can

( )10. I’m the______.

A. winer B. win C. winner


My name is Tom. I’m a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. It’s very bright. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. There’s a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much。

1. Tom’s school is very big and beautiful. ( )

2. Tom’s classroom is very bright. ( )

3. There’s a computer in the classroom. ( )

4.There are twenty-four girls in Tom’s class. ( )

5. The big library is for the teachers. ( )

6. Tom can play football. ( )

7. Tom likes his school. ( )


1. (  ) What’s_____ the classroom? A. on B. in C.under

2. (  ) Where’s my seat? It’s____ the door. A. on B. in C. near

3. (  ) Let’s clean the classroom.----_____.

A. Good job B. Good idea C. It’s nice

4. (  ) Let_____ put up the picture. A. my B. I C. me

5.( )where ______it? A.is B.are C.am

6.( ) It_____ near the computer. A.is B.are C.am

7.( ) Let me______the fish bowl. A.help B.see C.clean

8.( ) The kite is_____the window. A. for B.near C.to

9.( ) A:What’s this ? B:It’s _____bee.A.a B.an C.some

10.( ) The picture is _____the wall. A. in B. on C. to 


Amy is my best friend. She’s a nice girl. She’s ten. She’s tall and quiet. She has long hair and a small mouth. She has big eyes and a small nose. She likes music, computer games and painting. She likes books, too. She has fifty story-books. She is a good student. I like her very much.

(  )1. Amy is my sister.

(  )2. Amy is not quiet.

(  )3. Amy has 15 story-books.

(  )4. Amy likes painting and books.

(  )5. Amy has long hair and a small nose.

